
lost in space

a couple of LOST caricatures, plus some notes about the "asteroids" spin-off flash game i'm making:



what the hell does the inside of a space jet look like?

email me if you are the pilot of a space jet.


green machine

progress on the turtles bookmark:

cool guy

stick turtles

i decided to try and self-promote a little at the swag swap by printing up some bookmarks with the URL of this blog. after some thought, i settled on ninja turtles versus hip kids as a subject. the rectangles represent a possible shape for the bookmarks.

some sketches and character designs:


the tangled web of todd mcfarlane

last night i read the first volume of "haunt," a new comic co-created by todd mcfarlane (classic spidey artist and creator of spawn), and something struck me as familiar...


revenge on the jedi

learn something new every day: the rancor handler's name is malakili.

(his left arm got completely lost in the shuffle.)

friends in high places

rounding out the lunch crew:

my apologies if you consider these likenesses horribly offensive. i find them hilarious.


nerd corps

by request, greg as a jedi and greg as a stormtrooper:

UPDATE: oops, almost forgot.


OMG, you guys. can you imagine?!

star wars mashups

emperor's royal guard in stormtrooper armor, jedi template, stormtrooper template:

why templates? for this kind of stuff:


swag swap flyer


loose concept sketch:

final inks:

final product with photoshop coloring:

bonus features:


open mouth

more star wars studies: