the post it on top of this page represents my induction into the toughest gang of "sometime in the future," the warriors. apparently the official dress code for the warriors requires either shirtlessness or a skin-tight muscle shirt (for when it gets cold) beneath your red leather vest. also pictured are my role models among the gang, ajax and rembrandt. somehow i actually managed to DE-emphasize his afro with my charicature.
as i watched this movie for the first time the other night, i kept thinking it was a good candidate for a remake. that's not a thought i have often, but in this case i see an interesting setup with definable characters that happens to suffer from an execution riddled with cliches of its era and unfulfilling, out-of-date effects and fight scenes. i think i could really enjoy a better version.
two things i've been enjoying over the past week are the new venture bros. season 3 DVDs and Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia, for nintendo DS. i've been enjoying them so much, in fact, that i want to combine them. my epiphany: the perfect approach to a venture brothers video game would be a castlevania parody. enter a room, take out 2 monarch henchmen and a ghost pirate, rescue trianna, check the map and get a talisman from dr. orpheus. totally compatible.
i have a confession to make: i only doodled the venture bros. so i could indulge in my castlevania video game idea in this blog. i've entered self-conscious doodle territory.
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